In this series of articles, I want to help you get a better English vocabulary. I hope to show you that is different from other ways of learning new words - a 'simply better' method.
It is likely you will never use (nor know the meaning of) every single word in the dictionary.
I don’t and most native English speakers don’t either.
It’s not necessary; if I don’t know the meaning of a word, I’ll try to get understanding from the words around it.
If it’s important, and the word appears often in the article, I’ll need to know what it means.
Good writers, though, should always explain unfamiliar words when they first use them. They never should assume that their readers will know the word’s meaning.
A Set of Articles to Develop a Better English Vocabulary
Some English teachers try to teach you words that you will never use.
Instead, I want to point out to you that it’s more important to know the vocabulary that is around you, in your life.
After all, it’s going to be the vocabulary that you will be using most often.
These articles will focus on those 'everyday' words you need to know.
Those of you who have bought My 'simply better' Method will appreciate this set of articles. An increased vocabulary is very helpful to practice with the Method.
Here's an example:
If someone asks you a 'Where' question word, it means they are asking about a 'place'.
The word ‘where’ is open; it could be one of a million places you might go. This is unlike a ‘closed’ question that requires a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.
But you don’t need to know the million or so words for places. You only need to know a handful. You can go on to develop your range of ‘places’ words AFTER you’ve learned these 'everyday' places.
So that’s the idea for this series of blog articles - to help you get a better English vocabulary.
Of course, new vocabulary also requires you to learn how to spell those new words.
I hope, that after reading these articles, your vocabulary will begin to expand, as it should.
Remember, learn the useful words first: words that you absolutely need to know.
I hope you will go here to read these articles to learn some new words:
Further Reading - to improve your English
Go here to read Guest Writer, Mary Costello's article on 6 tips to retain, or keep, the vocabulary you've learned.
If you want to understand why learning punctuation is important, go here to read this article.
Want some tips on speaking? I have the article for you, right here.
In this article, I explain why good grammar is essential for your career development.
The aim here is to help you improve your English with a way to practice that I explain in this article.
I mentioned My 'simply better' Method above. You can read more about how it can improve your vocabulary, as well as all your English skills here.
© Apex English Tutoring Dec 2020 - Updated April 2024

About Me
Hello and welcome!
My name is Michael Finemore and I am the owner-operator of Apex English Tutoring.
As an experienced English Teacher, I'm passionate about helping people turn their 'poor' English into great English, with easy and effective ways to practice.
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